Thursday, March 5, 2009

Tweet No More

After much resistance, I recently signed up a friend with Twitter. I explained how it worked, assisted her with her profile and even suggested a few people to follow. Of course being a busy mother of 3; well 2 children and a husband, she clearly indicated that she did not have time to Twitter as she barely had time to check in with Facebook.

I had few expectations. However, within three days of being on Twitter she had gained a couple followers and was quite excited about. "Why would someone follow me ?" she asked, but was quite excited that someone had. There was a spring in her step, her voice was light and airy. She stood a little taller, she glowed.

This morning however I noticed a slower walk, dull listless hair, and a grey complexion. As she walked by I was greeted with "Guess what ?, I lost a follower. No explanation, no goodbye, no flowers, just gone". I tried to console her explaining that at least she wasn't dumped on national television. "It's not that I'm upset or anything, but I didn't even know this guy and he follows me for only two days and then leaves ? And sure it wasn't on national television it was just on the web ! Duh. "

So this leads me to wonder why he would stop following my friend. I mean she is certainly pretty (enough), smart (enough), talented (enough). We could chalk it up to a typical male, leaving his scent and leaving. Not sure she would buy it. Perhaps he just got bored with the fact that she hadn't tweeted for 48 hours ? And then I realized the answer, "It's not her, it's him".

Keep twitting Melinda and your followers will come.

And so it goes.


  1. you are so right Pat MaGroin, it is HIS issue, who care if Mark the rich man has left Melinda, she is WAY better than him 1000 times over.

  2. why doesn't this comment shit work, put it back to the way it was and stop with your sensorship BS

  3. Why is this blog SSDD? Shouldn't there be something new on here now???
