Saturday, March 28, 2009

May you always hear a symphony

This has been a week of events - see my previous blog for details.

And one other major event was Diana Ross' 65th birthday.

Many of you know I have loved Diana Ross (from a far) ever since I can remember. I remember as a child sitting on the living room floor on a Sunday evening watching the Ed Sullivan show and many times seeing Diana Ross and The Supremes. I don't know if I become enchanted then or if it was during my coming out years when one of her big hits was "I'm Coming Out". It became an anthem to many in the gay community - certainly to me.

So where is this leading to ? you ask. Well surprisingly, not all about Diana Ross.

Last evening I received a comment to a couple of my blogs from my friend Dee Dee. After our conversation I got thinking about how much Dee Dee is like Diana. Not that she has knocked off a back-up singer, that I know of, . but she does have a beautiful voice, is stunningly beautiful; gorgeous in fact, both inside and out. Her smile is radiant. Her hair gorgeous.

She is now engaged and preparing for her wedding. And in turn this reminded me of Diana Ross and all her wonderful love songs.

So to Diana and to Dee Dee - Happy Birthday to you; Happy Wedding to you. Years of happiness and joy to each of you and may you always hear a symphony !

And so it goes.


  1. WOW.
    Seeing my name in the same sentence as the one and only Ms Ross is a huge compliment in itself. Especially when I know how much you adore her!

    Thank you marky mark for the beautiful words, you are too kind. I am so lucky (and happy) to know you. Not too many people care about people and the amazing things in life the way you do.

    Live your story
    Faith, Hope and Glory
    Hold to the truth of your heart
    ----"If we hold on together" Diana Ross

    XO Deedee

  2. I know Dee Dee will have a beautiful wedding. She will be a stunning bride. All the best Dee Dee.
