Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hello in there

If you read my blog a couple days ago you would know that I was going to my Uncle's house tonight for dinner. I haven't seen him in, I would guess, maybe 5 years nor his children - my cousins in about 32 years.

You would also see I was somewhat nervous. I shouldn't have been, after all they are family, but still after all that time - what would they think?, what would we say? would there be lulls in the conversation ?

I worry too much.

The evening was perfect. Dinner was delicious, conversation was great, my uncle's partner is lovely. It truly was as if no time had passed. Times like this make you question why so much time without connecting had elapsed. But you know what - don't think about that. Instead make every effort to ensure it doesn't happen again. Don't let 32 to years go by without contact.

You will have a few friends over your lifetime, many acquaintances, but only one family.

I am grateful for the reconnection. I am grateful for my uncle - even though he would prefer I call him by his first name only. But I just can't. To me that would be disrespectful. He deserves the level, the stature of Uncle. He is not just some Joe.

So to my uncle, my cousins, and my uncle's partner, thank you. From the bottom of my heart thank you all. Except for the scary talk about the wood carving coming out from under the cottage, the night was perfect !

I'll say hello in there a lot more often.

And so it goes.


  1. Hello in there,

    I worry too much too. About everything. But it's what makes us deep thinkers I guess. :)
    So glad to hear your reunion went as well as it did! 32 years?! Wow, you must have been a toddler last time you saw them. ;)
    It is always so refreshing to re-connect with family or friends you haven't seen in a long time. I'm sure they enjoyed your company as much you enjoyed theirs. Thank you for your call (it made my day), and for keeping touch. xo DH

  2. I am glad that you reunited with your family. It is hard to take that step, to put yourself out there, we always risk rejection when we do that, whether it be trying to reconect with past acquaintances, friends or family we have not seen in years. I think that is why sometimes we hold back, because sometimes its just not worth putting yourself out there, extending yourself to others only to be rejected. Glad this turned out to be a good experience for you.
