Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spring hopes eternal

Ahhhh spring. A renewal, an awakening, a stirring. I read an article in The Sun many years ago written by the late Merle Shain. Fantastic article. Spring and who does feel that sense of rejuvenation, rebirth ? And who doesn't want to be in love ? A man and woman were having lunch - he was overheard to say " I love my wife, but it's just that its spring and long to be in love".

Who doesn't have that urge to merge; to be made whole with the love of another ?

From the Sam Shepard play Savage / Love:

Could you give me a small part of yourself
I'm only asking for the tiniest part
Just enough to get me from here to there
Could you give me something
Anything at all
I'll accept whatever it is

Could you just put your hand on my head
Could you brush against my arm
Could you just come near enough
So I could feel as though you might be able to hold me

Could you touch me with your voice
Blow your breath in my direction

And so it goes.

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