Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I sit here tonight and am quite moved by those I tweet with seeing the march in California. It gets me thinking. No, really, thinking how lucky I am.

How lucky I am to live in Canada where my rights are respected and protected. Where I am free to marry another man. How lucky I am that these rights were won with a fight, but without violence. Yes with threats of death, threats of bombs, but none of which came to fruition. AMEN.How lucky I am to have had parents who supported me, understood me, and loved me. How lucky I am that I have friends who laugh with me and not at me. To have an employer who accepts my lifestyle, and provides me with all the benefits provided to heterosexuals.

I am so lucky and yet I am saddened. I am saddened that bigots, paranoia, and hatred can be so prevalent. Stopping those who love each other from expressing their love by way of marriage is just plain cruel.

If I cut do I not bleed ? If you are cut, do you not bleed ? We are not so different.

The Supreme Court of California must do the right thing, and luck should have nothing to do with it. The right thing is the right thing ! Allow gay marriage, and let the next march be one of celebration.
And so it goes.

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