There was an abundance or over abundance of everything; money, time, fun, sex. I am left to think of the Gladys Knight version of the way we were: "The good ol' days, the good ol' days, everyone keeps talkin' about the good ol' days. The skies were bluer, the winters were warmer, and smiles were bright !
It really was carefree. A new job, a new life, a first love and no AIDS. Can it be that it was all so simple then, or has time rewritten very line? If we had the chance to do it all again, tell me would we ? could we ? And the answer is "yes". I would do it all again.
There will never be another time like that - at least not in my lifetime.
So please don't talk about love tonight
Please don't talk about sweet love
Please don't talk about being true
And all the trouble we've been through
Ah, please don't talk about all of the plans we had
For fixin' this broken romance
I want to go where the people dance
I want some action
I want to love
I have so much to give
And so it goes.