Sunday, June 7, 2009

Never lose faith

My recent FaceBook entry and one of my previous blog postings talks about my disappointment in others. And I guess my disappointment in myself. I have this strange expectation that I will be treated the way I treat others.

I ill be thought of, considered. But why should I ? Why should I put that expectation on others, and also let myself down ?

And then what happens ? Out of the blue I get a message left for me with very kind words. My faith is renewed.

Thank you.

Oh yes and the picture of Rafael Nadal has nothing to do with this blog. But he is beautiful to look at !

And so it goes.


  1. My own expectations in friends have caused me great disappointment at times too. Most recently, I am left wondering what did I do wrong? how could things have been different? did I not even matter at all?

  2. I live by the belief never to expect anything from anyone, therefore you will never be disappointed and if someone does something nice, then it is a wonderful surprise. My life is full of wonderful surprises!

  3. I believe friends owe it to friends to be honest with each other. No one can read minds, if someone has let you down or disappointed you then you should tell the friend so you can move forward with the friendship again. True friends will always be there no matter what, good times and bad.
